SJSU DSGN 197 Project 4
The journal must be in book format. You can wire bind it or wire bind it with french binding.
InDesign Template provided.
Process notebook (developed over the course of the semester to include)
- Cover design
Required copy:
Your full name, Spring 2018, BA Senior Project Process Notebook
- Table of contents
- Project 1 | Building awareness:
- Project outline (copy online)
- All notes
- Thumbnails, concepts, sketches
- 1 or 2 page overview of final design
- Written analysis of project (what worked well, what did not work so well, what did you learn)
- Project 2 | Discovering the relationship between design and human experience:
- Project outline (copy online)
- All notes
- Thumbnails, concepts, sketches
- 1 or 2 page overview of final design of all pages of calendar
- Written analysis of project (what worked well, what did not work so well, what did you learn)
- Project 3 | Leveraging life intentions into organizational intentions:
- Project outline (copy online)
- All notes
- Thumbnails, concepts, sketches
- 1 or 2 page overview of all final webpages plus logo (thumbnail prints)
- Written analysis of project (what worked well, what did not work so well, what did you learn)
- Your resume
- Your business card
- List of fellow students with their callings and email contact info (provided by Professor)

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